Asian Conference on Coordination Chemistry (ACCC) Archives

This page is the an archive for the past ACCC conferences.

  1. List of Past ACCCs
  2. Forecoming ACCCs
  3. ACCC Awards

1. List of past ACCCs

ACCC 1 29/Jul-2/Aug, 2007, Okazaki Conference center, Okazaki, Japan

ACCC 2 1-4/Nov, 2009, Nanjing, China

ACCC 3 17-20/Oct, 2011, New Delhi, India

ACCC 4 4-7/Nov, 2013, Jeju, Korea, International Convention Center

ACCC 5 12-16/Jul, 2015, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, The University of Hong Kong

ACCC 6 24-28/Jul, 2017, Melbourne, Australia, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre

ACCC 7 15th-18th/Oct, 2019, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (RSC Events site)

ACCC 8 7th-11th/Aug, 2022, Taipei, Taiwan

ACCC 9 19th-22th/Feb, 2024, Bangkok, Thailand

ACCC 10 24-27/Oct, 2025, Hanoi, VIetnum

2. Forecoming ACCCs

ACCC 10 Hanoi, VIetnum

ACCC11 in Philippines in 2027

ACCC12 in New Zealand in 2029

Gallary of Past ACCCs