This page is the an archive for the past ACCC conferences.
- List of Past ACCCs
- Forecoming ACCCs
- ACCC Awards
1. List of past ACCCs
ACCC 1 29/Jul-2/Aug, 2007, Okazaki Conference center, Okazaki, Japan
ACCC 2 1-4/Nov, 2009, Nanjing, China
ACCC 3 17-20/Oct, 2011, New Delhi, India
ACCC 4 4-7/Nov, 2013, Jeju, Korea, International Convention Center
ACCC 5 12-16/Jul, 2015, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, The University of Hong Kong
ACCC 6 24-28/Jul, 2017, Melbourne, Australia, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre
ACCC 7 15th-18th/Oct, 2019, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (RSC Events site)
ACCC 8 7th-11th/Aug, 2022, Taipei, Taiwan
ACCC 9 19th-22th/Feb, 2024, Bangkok, Thailand
ACCC 10 24-27/Oct, 2025, Hanoi, VIetnum
2. Forecoming ACCCs
ACCC 10 Hanoi, VIetnum
ACCC11 in Philippines in 2027
ACCC12 in New Zealand in 2029
Gallary of Past ACCCs